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Some product photos of e-bikes and bicycles are only visualizations.


+420 601 698 226 (Mo–Fri: 7:30–16:00)

How to proceed in case of a complaint?

We manufacture all our products with the utmost care and we pay great attention to quality and reputation. If you still find yourself having to make a complaint about our product, please read the following ten points carefully to help you manage the process correctly.

How to proceed in case of a complaint?


1. If you are an end user of our product, always file a claim with the retailer where you purchased the goods. The retailer will assist you with the claim and guide you through the entire process and resolve everything. To initiate the claim procedure with the dealer, it is necessary to submit the proof of purchase and the warranty card.


2. If you are our dealer/business partner, then we ask you to submit a duly completed claim protocol, a copy of the proof of purchase and a copy of the warranty certificate together with the claimed goods. The complaint procedure will only be initiated once we have all the necessary documents, otherwise the complaint cannot be accepted.


3. We ask you to send the claimed goods cleaned, dried and thoroughly packed, see the recommended packing instructions. If these conditions are not met, we will be forced to charge you a fee for cleaning and the use of adequate packaging, if necessary, in the amount of 500 CZK.


4. Levit s.r.o. is not liable for any mechanical damage resulting from failure to follow recommended packaging instructionss.


5. If the subject of the complaint is an electric bicycle, first remove the battery and pack it separately before packing the e-bike according to the recommended instructions. At the same time, place the battery in such a way as to prevent damage during transport and handling.


6. Subsequently, send the shipment by the transport company to the address: Levit s.r.o., Claim Department, Dr. Teuchmanna 552, Úpice, 542 32, Czech Republic.


7. Immediately upon receipt of the goods from the carrier, Levit s.r.o. will duly document the method of packaging and the overall condition of the shipment so that no later dispute occur. In the event that the shipment does not meet the necessary requirements to initiate a claim procedure (missing documentation, incorrectly filled in or incomplete claim protocol), we will inform you within 10 working days of receipt. All costs associated with the handling and return of goods will be charged to the sender of the shipment in full.


8. You will be notified immediately by e-mail as soon as the claim has been accepted and the procedure has been initiated.


9. Your claim will be settled within the statutory period of 30 days.


10. We will inform you immediately by e-mail about the settlement of your claim.


We ask for your cooperation and compliance with all the above points and rules, and we hope that you will continue to be our satisfied customers!


With respect,